
Showing posts from 2019


ŠTA SE DEŠAVA KAD POMJEŠATE CVEKLU, MRKVU I JABUKU: ČAŠA SOKA UNIŠTAVA OVE BOLESTI! Ništa manje nego  čarobni napitak  koji je stekao svjetsku slavu zbog svojih nevjerovatnih učinaka na zdravlje. Prvi put počeo je da se upotrebljava unutar tradicionalne kineske medicine u l iječenju raka pluća i raznih drugih bolesti . Potrebno je spomenuti i Rudolfa Brojsa, alternativnog ljekara iz Austrije koji je cio svoj život posvetio pronalaženju najboljeg prirodnog lijeka protiv karcinoma. Došao je do zaključka da zloćudne tumorske ćelije mogu preživjeti samo uz pomoć tvrde hrane. Osmislio je terapiju u trajanju od 42 dana tokom koje pacijent sme u svoj organizam unositi samo čajeve i poseban sok od povrća, čiji je glavni sastojak cvekla. Uz pomoć ove metode izlečio je preko 45.000 ljudi od raka i drugih neizlječivih bolesti. Od skromnog voća i povrća do super lijeka Ovaj jednostavni napitak čudotvorna svojstva duguje prisustvu dvije skromne vrste povrća i jedne vrste v...

Springhead of Bosnia

At the foot of mountains Igman and Bjelašnica, near Vrelo Bosne (spring of the River Bosnia) and the beautiful nature, visitors of this gem of Bosnia and Herzegovina are fascinated with the ride in a horse-drawn four-wheeled carriage. In the area of Velika Aleja, 30 fiacre drivers offer daily rides to visitors, who just by sitting in old carriages and watching beautiful natural scenes, can go far back in the past. Vrelo Bosne is an oasis located around the spring of River Bosna. It is an ideal place for families,  children, and romantic couples. It is a huge, vivid green park surrounded by abundant vegetation, with the river Bosna flowing through it. A variety of flora and fauna, species such as swans and ducks, small waterfalls, thermal waters and the spring of the river Bosna. The park mostly consists of large flat planes and isles which are connected by sma...

Wild horses in Livno Bosnia

The traffic between the villages Zagoricani and Potocani, a few kilometers from the center of Livno, on the part of the M-16 highway between Kupres and Livno, can often be interrupted even in the summer period. The reason for this are not traffic accidents, works on the road, or something similar but Livno wild horses that are staying close to the main road or crossing from one part of grassy areas to another. Livno wild horses love to gather between the settlement Potocani and Zagoricani, in the eastern part of the municipality of Livno, at about 920 meters above the sea level, because there is Vrbovnik spring nearby. There are several groups of about fifty horses at about 140 square meters large section where Livno wild horses live, on a hill called Kruzi in the area of Koricin to Borova Glava. It is interesting that they were not wild horses before. They were ordinary, tame horses that people kept in the villages of Potocani, Zagoricani, Begovaca, or the edge villag...

Psycho-Social Behaviour and Health Benefits of Islamic Fasting During the Month of Ramadan

Introduction Ramadan fasting is an Islamic religious fast strictly observed every year throughout the world during the month of Islamic calendar for about 30 days. In Islam, fasting for a month is an obligatory practice during the holy month of Ramadan, from dawn, until the dusk. They are advised to be away from foods or water for the whole day, to stay away from sex, misconduct and also from consuming medicines, nutritional fluids and addictions etc. Ramadan fasting is obligatory for the healthy adult but, when fasting might significantly affect the health of the fasting individual or when one is genuinely sick, Islam exempts him or her from fasting. “God intends every facility for you; he does not want to put you into difficulties”. It is ordered in Qur’an that “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa (good deeds and God-consciousness).” [ 1 ]. Healthy adult Muslims should not fear becoming weak ...